Chapman Road STE 105-4, Newark, Delaware 19702 USA
(+1) (202)-742-2888

Legal Consulting Services

No matter what type of legal consulting service you need, it is important to find an expert who is experienced and knowledgeable in the area of law you need assistance with.

Solutions for complex global challenges

Our services can be invaluable for businesses that may not have in-house legal counsel or who need help with a specific legal issue. 

Consultants typically work on a project basis, which means they only get paid for the work they actually do. This can be much more cost-effective than hiring full-time in-house counsel, who may not always be needed but still need to be paid a salary. Legal consultants can also help businesses save time. Rather than having to research and draft documents themselves, businesses can hire consultants to do this work for them. 

  • Contract Drafting

  • Agreement Drafting

  • ITIN Service

  • EIN Service

  • Company and LLC Registration

Outsource your legal need to us and focus on core business operations

Legal Operating Model

Our legal operating model is designed to help you streamline your operations, minimize risk, and maximize compliance. We will work with you to tailor a solution that meets your specific needs and goals.

Legal Process

We understand that businesses need to operate efficiently and within the bounds of the law. We, therefore, offer a comprehensive legal operating model that takes into account all aspects of your business. This includes everything from your business structure and processes to your compliance with applicable laws and regulations.

Legal Risk & Matter Management

There are many risks associated with legal sourcing, and these must be managed in order to ensure successful outcomes. We have significant experience in this area and can provide comprehensive consultancy services to support your organisation. We can help you to identify and assess the risks involved, and develop strategies to mitigate them

Legal Sourcing

We can also provide advice on matter management, including case assessment, file management, and e-discovery. Our aim is to help you to effectively manage legal risk and maximise the chances of success in your legal matters

Legal Technology

Our legal labs are at the cutting edge of legal technology. We use the latest software and tools to provide our clients with the best possible service. We are always looking for new ways to improve our service and keep up with the latest developments in the legal industry.

Legal Labs

Our labs are staffed by experienced attorneys who can provide you with the guidance and support you need to resolve your legal issue. We offer a wide range of legal services, including contract review, litigation support, and much more. No matter what your legal needs are, we can help you find a solution.


Let's Connect

We are a team of financial professionals skilled in solving business compliances.
(+1) (202)-742-2888
Chapman Road STE 105-4, Newark, Delaware 19702 USA
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